Joost Holleman

Joost Holleman

Managing Partner

Joost Holleman joined in 2009 and is responsible for all aspects of the operations of Prime Ventures including investor relations.

Before joining Prime, Joost was with AlpInvest Partners in Amsterdam, one of the leading independent investors in private equity funds in the world (35 billion euro under management). As of 2001 he has led a large number of fund investments on behalf of AlpInvest in buy-out, mezzanine and particularly in venture capital. He was a member of numerous advisory boards in Europe and Israel including, Advent International, Apax, Atlas Venture, Eden Ventures, CVC, DBAG, Genesis, Halder-Gimv, Index Ventures, Northzone, Pitango, Sofinnova, TVM and Waterland.


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Before his time at AlpInvest Joost was a senior consultant at PricewaterhouseCoopers in the area of strategy and organizational design (1997 – 2001). Preceding that period he was research fellow at Leiden University.

Joost has two master degrees and a PhD in Theology at Leiden University and Yale University. His time at Yale was sponsored by a Fulbright scholarship and his dissertation won the Erasmus Study Prize in Humanities.

Joost currently serves on the board of EatStreet,  Recharge.comTerraPay and Tripaneer

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